Hey guys! I've been having trouble thinking of some things to post on my blog lately, so I decided to internet-publish one of my novels! Every day I'm going to post the next chapter. It's still in the works, so there might be some spelling mistakes or sentences where I might've forgotten a word or two. Comment and tell me if you like it or not or if you have any ideas on where the story should go next. Thanks!(:
Another Blue Skye
Chapter 1
This summer was going to be the crappiest summer of my life.
I realized this when Mom dropped the bomb. "I'M NOT GOING TO AUNT MELODY'S HOUSE FOR THE SUMMER!" I screamed when she told me. I had, in turn, gotten grounded from my MacBook. Yayy. Sarcasm intended. I threw tantrums. I screamed and yelled and flat-out refused to. But, NO, here I am, sitting in this retarded old van being driven to Aunt Melody's house. Once again. Yayy. I tried to make the drive to heck as enjoyable as I could by blaring Aly & AJ in my ears (without making them bleed to death) and stared out the window. How come we were passing all these trees? Weren't we driving to the ocean???
"Mom, what the heck. Trees. Outside. Window." I said.
"We already told you that her house is in the middle of countryland." she replied. COUNTRYLAND?! SHE DIDN'T MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT COUNTRYLAND. SHE MENTIONED THE OCEAN. And I told her that.
"Ocean? I didn't mention any ocean." she replied calmly. Oh my God. Countryland. Country music. Dirty, rotten, farm animals and hickville. My life is ruined.
"And she owns a house there?" I asked.
"Mhmm. A farmhouse, to be exact. Two stories, little white house, green shutters. Rather cute, actually." she said, messing around on her iPad. I went full-on into another one of my tantrums that ended with me chucking my iPod at the window. Afterwards, I sat with my forehead mashed against the window, watching the scenery flash before my eyes with Justin Bieber on repeat (my perfect way to soothe after one of my world-famous tantrums). After two hours of blaring music, we finally arrived.
Thanks for reading and I hope you like it so far!(:
xoxoxo, Emily<3
{Random Funny Picture}