Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer 2011

This summer is going by so fast already! It's almost a third through, and it feels like I just got out of school yesterday. I've been hanging out with my wonderful sister Mandy (as we always do during summer), playing video games and watching movies and popping popcorn. Right now, I'm in the middle of playing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (yes, I am indeed a Zelda nerd), but soon I'm going to start playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the second time (I played and got THIS close to finishing it last summer). It's one of my favorite LoZ games.

Mandy and I also watch a whole lot of movies, so much that we'll get addicted to a select few. Last time, we got addicted to Step Up 3D (Moose is my favorite).

 Now we're absolutely addicted to Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules. 
If you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend  watching it. It's just such a good movie! It's hilarious and we end up laughing until we're crying every time. I've been a huge fan of the book series ever since 2007 when the first one came out and I read it on Then I faithfully bought every book when it came out, and was completely ecstatic when they announced that they were going to make a movie. Since Saturday, I've watched it at least 11 times (no exaggerations here) and I must say that it is one of my favorite movies of all time. And I have to add that Rodrick is freakin' cute. *blush* (; 
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo, Emily<3
{Random Funny Picture}


  1. That movie is too funny! And yes, Rodrick is adorable lol!

  2. Fregley is like the king of awesome. Haha. :D
    Dev Bostick is my boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. If you like Fregley so much then you should marry him :D


Hi(: I lovelovelove reading your comments! Thanks for visiting my blog and have a fantastical day!

xoxoxoxo Emily<3